USPCA: A lifeline for all animals

USPCA: A lifeline for all animals

The USPCA work tirelessly to investigate, rescue, rehome, educate, and provide a strong voice for all animals.

Unfortunately, we have never experienced such a high level of demand for our services as we are currently. This may sound daunting but, please do read on, because together we can do more.

Peggy is just one of the thousands of animals that we have helped. Below is her story:

On a cold October morning a taxi driver came across a badly neglected dog and brought her to our centre.

The pup, which on closer inspection, was a young West Highland Terrier was in an appalling, miserable condition, her toenails were severely overgrown penetrating her thin, fragile, broken skin. Multiple wounds on her legs, sores on her body, and a chronic skin condition were further evidence of serious neglect and cruelty.

Her whimpers confirmed the weak state and distress she was in.

Immediately the USPCA Vets provided emergency care, knowing the next 48 hours were critical. They worked tirelessly around the clock. With each day she grew a little stronger. The Vets named her Peggy. After three months of intensive veterinary treatment, both her physical health and confidence improved. Peggy was learning to trust us.

The next step was finding her forever home.

Given her horrific experience, we knew Peggy’s home had to be extra special. Time, patience and a loving home were our top priorities.

After a long search, Audrey arrived at USPCA Centre to meet Peggy. It was the perfect match. Audrey, Peggy’s new ‘mother’ told us that: “When I first took Peggy into my home, she needed so much love, she very quickly became the light of my life. In her first few years, we had weekly check-ups with the USPCA Vets. I could never understand how anyone could have left her to suffer the way they did. It is thanks to the great work of the USPCA that brought Peggy into my life and for that I am grateful.”

So many animals like Peggy need the help of the USPCA.

Can you help animals in need of our care?

A donation from you for as little as £5 per month can help us to rescue and support more vulnerable, innocent animals and provide more lifesaving treatment. 

Give a Regular Gift Today

By committing to a recurring donation will help us provide a lifeline for all animals suffering from heart breaking cruelty and neglect in Northern Ireland. A recurring donation is especially valuable because it is a reliable source of income, helping us to plan better, pay our core costs and develop our programmes to help treat and protect vulnerable animals. 

If you are able to donate, then you can do so here: Donate

If want to find out other ways you can support our work you can do so here: Support Us

