Register of Banned Animal Welfare Offenders

Campaigning for the introduction of a Register of Banned Animal Welfare Offenders in Northern Ireland

In 2019, the USPCA launched a campaign that aims to establish an accessible register of convicted animal abusers banned by the Courts from keeping animals.

Northern Ireland's laws with regards to animal cruelty have been strengthened in recent years, and the USPCA welcomes this development including bans being imposed on convicted offenders. However, such bans are relatively worthless in the absence of a Register of Banned Offenders.

Currently, offenders can be banned by the Courts one week and the following week acquire animals again. Recent court cases are evidence of this. It is the view of this charity that the compilation of a central database, a Banned Offender Register similar to a Sex Offender Register, which can be accessed by enforcement agencies would allow for a more proactive approach to animal welfare enforcement.

In the absence of such a register, it is vital that the Animal Welfare Officers of local councils, who have a statutory responsibility for the welfare of companion animals and DAERA regarding farm animals, regularly visit those banned from keeping animals in order to provide the public with assurance that bans are actually being complied with.

