Humane Society of the United States Supports USPCA Campaign against Ireland’s Cockfighters
Last week a number of birds were seized in County Fermanagh as part of an investigation into illegal cockfighting. The police operation into alleged animal cruelty took place at three locations.
Earlier this year the USPCA was stunned when our surveillance revealed large crowds gathering in open fields in broad daylight for hours on end watching the barbaric practice of cockfighting.
At one site, about 60 people, some of them children, were gathered around a makeshift ring in County Monaghan about five miles from the border with Middletown in County Armagh.
The birds spurs are removed and replaced with razor sharp implements to inflict the maximum damage and death. The USPCA deplores this medieval practise that most people assumed was consigned to the dustbin of history, many years ago.
Message of Support to USPCA from the Humane Society of the United States
This week, we received this message of support from The Humane Society of the United States who also work tirelessly on animal welfare issues including cockfighting in the United States.
Visit their website for more information.
‘The work of the USPCA is sending a strong message to cockfighters that their cruel bloodsport will not be tolerated anywhere in Ireland, north or south. I am very impressed with the quality of their investigation and the follow up efforts to arrest those involved in harming these defenceless birds.’
John Goodwin
Director of Animal Cruelty Policy
t 301-258-3156 f 301-721-6414
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